This is the opening set! We’re starting a virtual open mic for teens who attend Morse High School or reside in one of our member towns. We hope that we can keep the momentum and sense of community that started building around our first teen open mic night this year, which was held live at the end of February before the Library closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are so fortunate to have Mollie and Lauren Crosby of Georgetown kick off this program. Mollie is a senior at Morse High School and has been on the Teen Library Council since her freshman year. She will be attending the University of Maine at Farmington next year; her ultimate goal is to earn a masters in psychology. Lauren graduated from Morse in 2012 and currently works at Lincoln Academy. Lauren has three albums you can find and listen to on Spotify or Apple Music. Mollie sings harmonies on a few tracks on two of the three albums!
Stay tuned for future episodes!