Virtual Open Mic for Teens, Set 5: Emma Roth-Wells

We’re branching out into poetry this week. Morse High School senior Emma Roth-Wells was one of five state finalists in the Poetry Out Loud competition this year. In her open mic set, she reads several of the poems she performed in the competition, plus a new selection. The third poem, “The Butterfly,” is part of a postponed Theater Project performance, Our Stories Need To Be Told. Emma was also part of this project, which shares accounts of Holocaust survivors who have a Maine connection.

Emma is also a four-year member of the Teen Library Council, and will graduate from Morse is just a few short weeks. She heads off to Mount Holyoke College in the fall.

Emma does her reading of “Harold and the Purple Crayon,” a poem by D. Gilson

Emma reads “Dyed Carnations” by Robin Schiff

Emma’s performance of “The Butterfly” by Pavel Friedmann.

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