You can apply for a library card in person at the main circulation desk or in the Children’s Room. If you come into the Library for a card, please bring photo identification with a current address. If the address on your picture identification is not current, please bring a bill or other item mailed to you at your current address.
Can’t make it to the Library to sign up? Sign up for a library card online. Plan to provide your ID and verification when you make your first visit to pick up your card.
Who is eligible for a library card?
Under 18? You will need a parent/adult to co-sign for your card. Click here to print an application; return the completed form to the Library. Don’t have a printer? Email us at and we’ll mail you the application.
Here for the Summer? We offer a three-month card for non-residents for a fee of $25.00. The card gives you borrowing privileges, as well as access to our digital collections. Stop by the main circulation desk for an application.
Educator? If you are an employee of R.S.U. 1, please send your request from your RSU 1 email; please provide your name, mailing address, and phone number.
The Patten Free library lends books, magazines, books on CD, children’s music CDs, and DVDs to library cardholders. The loan periods for all items is three weeks. Only eight DVDs can be checked out at one time. Your library card also provides access to our eBook and eAudiobook collections in the Cloud Library, our streaming video service (through Kanopy), and our digital magazine collection, provided through Flipster.
Please ask about extended loans if you have vacation plans or special circumstances.
Items may be renewed once unless more than 3 days overdue or requested by another patron. You may renew an item online, by phone (443-5141 x1011) or in person at the Library. The renewal period for all items is three weeks.
There are no late fees, with the exception of special items with a one-week checkout. See our Fine Free Policy for more information.
See something you like? Put it on hold! Requests for items may be placed through the online catalog, which includes items at Patten Free Library and all over the state. You will be notified when the material is available. You can also call us at 207-443-5141 or fill out the form below: