Exhibits and Displays in the Community Room

The library encourages the use of its Community Room for display of items of educational, artistic, and cultural materials of general interest to the community.

The Library Director may also consider the following criteria when evaluating exhibit materials: local interest, relation to other library programs and collections, vitality and originality, historical or artistic significance, number of pieces, and appropriateness for the available space. The Library Director reserves the right to refuse any display or exhibit, or any item that is part of an exhibit.

Groups or individuals desiring to use the display or exhibit space must review and sign the Library’s Letter of Intent and Agreement (attached), which includes a waiver exonerating Patten Free Library from any and all liability associated with the exhibit. Exhibitors are encouraged to cover items of value under their own insurance policies, and may be required to show proof of coverage.

As stated in the Artist’s Letter of Intent and Agreement, adhesives are prohibited from use on the Community Room walls. This includes, but is not limited to, all forms of tape, stickers, adhesive putty, and Command strips. Art must be hung using moulding hooks and monofilament only. Any additional information about the piece of art, such as a number or title, must be affixed to the frame or piece itself. Damage to the Community Room due to non-compliance may result in a fee associated with the cost of repair.

The Library will not act as a sales agent for exhibitors, and items displayed may not include price tags or other information regarding the purchase of items. The Library will make a price list available to potential buyers; the price list will be provided to the Library Director by the exhibitor.

The duration of exhibits will generally be from four to six weeks. Installation and removal of artwork is the responsibility of the exhibitor; no materials may be stored at the Library.

The same group or individual may display items no more than one time per year.

Display/exhibit items may not be used to promote the sale of goods or services and exhibit space is not available to for-profit organizations.

Political candidates, political parties, and special political interest groups are prohibited from using library exhibit/display space to promote their interests.  The topic of any exhibit or display does not necessarily reflect the views of the Library or any Library employees or trustees.

The Library Director will ask exhibitors to consider a donation to the Library tied to the proceeds of any sales.

Approved by the Patten Free Library Board of Trustees 9/10/13
Revised 2/5/18; Reviewed 1/6/20
Reviewed 3/1/21; no substantive changes

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