February 1st- Langston Hughes’ birthday: That is My Dream- Langston Hughes
February 2nd- Raven Wilkinson’s birthday: Trailblazer
February 3rd- Jimi Hendrix recorded Purple Haze (1967)- Jimi Sounds Like a Rainbow
February 4th- Rosa Parks’ birthday- Rosa
February 5th- Hank Aaron’s birthday- Hank Aaron: Brave in Every Way
February 6th: Bob Marley’s birthday- Every Little Thing
February 7th: Carter Woodson created Black History Week- Carter Reads the Newspaper
February 8th: Oprah Winfrey became the first Black woman to host a nationally syndicated TV show: Oprah reading “The Hula Hoopin Queen”
February 9th: Satchel Page inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame: Something to Prove (also in Epic)
February 10th: The ABCs of Black History
February 11th: Nelson Mandela freed from prison: Nelson Mandela
February 12th: NAACP created in 1909- Thurgood Marshall was a major contributor: Thurgood
Louis Armstrong: Just a Lucky So and So
February 16th- LeVar Burton’s birthday (watch a Reading Rainbow episode- Here’s Ty’s One Man Band by Mildred Pitts Walter)
February 17th- Michael Jordan’s birthday: Salt in his Shoes
February 18th: Toni Morrison’s birthday- Peeny Butter Fudge
February 19th: Tuskegee Airmen were initiated in 1942- Wind Flyers
February 20th: Frederick Douglass died in 1895- Bread for Words
February 21st: Nina Simone’s birthday- Nina (also in Epic)
February 22nd: Horace Pippin’s birthday A Splash of Red
February 24th: Katherine Johnson passed away in 2020: Counting on Katherine
February 25th: Muhammad Ali defeats Sonny Liston in 1964: Muhammad Ali: A Champion is Born
February 26th: 15th Amendment passed by Congress in 1869; Lillian’s Right to Vote
February 27th: Marian Anderson’s birthday: When Marian Sang
Other great books–
Preaching to the Chickens (about John Lewis)
Of Thee I Sing by Barack Obama
Super Heroes are Everywhere by Kamala Harris, read by Kamala Harris
Harlem Grown by Tony Hillery
Patricia’s Vision by Michelle Lord