Epic Pride Parade with the Book Wrangler!

You will need to create your FREE Epic account to have access to these books! You will love Epic as much as I do! It’s fantastic! Create an account at getepic.com!

Thank you to the Book Wrangler for creating the Epic Pride Parade! You can find out more at thebookwrangler.com


Happy Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month with Ms. M’s Asian Cultures Library!


Thank you Ms. M for sharing! Find more of Ms. M’s digital libraries here: https://sites.google.com/view/msmteaches/socialcultural

Maine Big Night ~ We’ve Got You Covered!

Maine Big Night by Kathryn Louise

In partnership with Gregory LeClair from University of Maine. 

Greg LeClair

M.S. Student, Ecology and Environmental Science

University of Maine

Associate Wildlife Biologist®


Maine Big Night Facebook

Celebrate Women’s History Month in March

BIG THANK YOU to Ms. M’s Free Resources! You can find more of her work: HERE

Black History Exhibit from the Book Wrangler

Learn about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Shared by Shannon McClintock Miller

How to Draw Winter! Thank you to Firsties Besties for Sharing!

Happy Thanksgiving with Ms. Menji’s Digital Library!

Find more of Ms. Menji’s digital libraries at https://linktr.ee/Ms.Menji

Happy Halloween with Ms. Menji’s Digital Library!

Back to School Digital Libraries!

Thank you for sharing, Ms. Menjivar! 

News & Updates