We continue to offer curbside pickup during regular business hours for those who would rather not come into the library. You must request items ahead of time. Please wait until you have received a notification that your items are ready before visiting the library. Call us at 443-5141 ex 1011 when you arrive in the parking lot.
Frequently-Asked Questions About Curbside Pick-Up
How do I request items for pick-up?
How long will it take to get my items? Orders of items available at Patten Free Library placed before 9:30 a.m. will be processed for same-day pickup. Orders placed after 9:30 a.m. will be processed for pick-up on the next curbside business day. Depending on demand, we may be able to fulfill requests more quickly. Requests from other libraries usually arrive in about a week. “BookMatch Bundle” requests can take up to three days to fulfill, depending on demand.
How many items can I request at a time? You can request up to ten items per visit.
How will I be notified when my request is ready for pick-up? Our circulation staff will either call or email you when your request is ready for pick-up.
What happens after I get notified that my order is ready? Your borrowed materials are checked out to you at the time we notify you. You will have eight days to pick up your materials. After that, your order will be returned to the shelves or checked out to other patrons. Call us from the parking lot when you arrive (443-5141, ext. 11) and we’ll bring your items to the pick-up table.
How long may I keep my items? Items will be checked out for three weeks beginning on the day you’re notified they are ready for pickup. You may renew them one time unless someone else is waiting for them. You may renew by calling (443-5141, ext. 11) or by logging into your account through the on-line catalog.
Where do I pick up my items? Our curbside pick-up table is located in the Children’s Entrance foyer.