Corporators and Trustees

2024-2025 Trustees

Karl Albrecht, President, Bath
Michael Mason, Vice President, Bath
Eileen Harkins, Secretary, Arrowsic
Anthony Jamison, Treasurer, Bath

Steve August, Bath
Lauren Bray, Rotating Town Representative, Georgetown
Anita Brown, RSU 1 Representative
Tommy Davis, Woolwich
Sukey Heard, Arrowsic
Allison Hepler, Woolwich
Peggy Kapisovsky, Georgetown
Richard Kessler, Bath
Dawn Lee, West Bath
Laurie Martin, Woolwich
Leah Zartarian, West Bath
TBD, Bath City Council Representative


Karl Albrecht, Bath
Michael Ambler, Bath
James Atherton, West Bath
Stephen August, Bath
Susan Beegel, Phippsburg
Mary Louise Blanchard, Bath
Barbara Boyce, Arrowsic
Walter Briggs, Arrowsic
Louise Bryant, West Bath
Laura Lee Chadwick, Bath
Juliana Cliffe, Georgetown
Joanna Conathan, Bath
Karren Cowing, Georgetown
Sally Davis, West Bath
Tommy Davis, Woolwich
Julia DeBery, Georgetown
Joe Drago, Bath
Leona Dufour, Georgetown
Fotini Eberhard, Bath
Margaret M. Edwards, Bath
Carrie Emmerson, Woolwich
Dean Emmerson, Woolwich
Louis Ensel, Bath
Mari Eosco, Bath
David Fluharty, Bath
Lynne Gilliam, Phippsburg
Livy Glaubitz, Arrowsic
Bruce Goodwin, Bath
Robert Gravino, Georgetown
Sally A. Gray, Bath
Spencer E. Gray, Jr., Woolwich
Eileen Harkins, Arrowsic
Joel Hatch, Bath
Roger Heard, Arrowsic
Sukey Heard, Arrowsic
Allison Hepler, Woolwich
Keith Hinds, West Bath
Linda Hoch, Woolwich
Randy Howell, Woolwich
Susan Hummer, Bath
Catherine Jacobs, West Bath
Marie James, Bath
Anthony Jamison, Bath
Sally Johnstone, Bath
Grace C. Jones, Bath
Peggy Kapisovsky, Georgetown
Mary Ellen Kazimer, Woolwich
Richard Kessler, Bath
Elizabeth Lakeman, Bath
Evan Lamb, Bath
Sam Lambert Bath
Ruth Lawson-Stopps, Bath
Dawn Lee, West Bath
Janine Lipfert, Woolwich
Carolyn Lockwood, Bath
John C. Marsh, Jr., Bath
Laurie Martin, Woolwich
Michael Mason, Bath
Vanessa Mayer, Bath
Elizabeth McCurdy, Bath
James McGowan, Bath
Judy Metcalf, Bath
David L. Miller, Woolwich
Jennifer Oddleifson, Woolwich
Aaron Park, Bath
James Peavey, Georgetown
William T. Racine, Bath
Wendy Reed, Bath
Barbara Reinertsen, Bath
Julie Rice, Bath
Sheryl Ritchie, Bath
Michelle Rines, Woolwich
Hank Simpson, Bath
Stephen Singer, West Bath
Caelie Smith, Woolwich
Brian Stanton, Bath
Mary Swain, Georgetown
Vicki Tanko, Woolwich
Ken Textor, Arrowsic
Jim Tolan, Bath
Margaret Totten, West Bath
Leslie Trundy, Bath
Sandra W. Weiss, Arrowsic
Linda Wood, Woolwich
Kathryn Young, Woolwich
Gwen Zaborowski, West Bath,
Leah Zartarian, West Bath
John Zittel, Bath

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  • January 23, 2025
    AARP Tax Aide

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